40 year old male patient with history of high grade fever and altered sensorium secondary to ? Cerebral malaria....? Viral malaria


This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable comments on comment box is welcome

M Rambai ,8 th semester

Roll number 78 

Under the guidance of  dr.chandana ma'am.

I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. 


A 40 year old male patient came to OPD with complaints of stary look and loss of awareness



40year old male Diabetic since 4years on insulin mixtard and h/o RTA and post craniotomy 4years ago ,h/o emperical ATT used 8months ago when he had SOB,now came with c/o staring look for 5mins 8hrs ago with loss of awareness for 5mins,drooling of saliva, without any involuntary movements of limbs,no deviation of mouth,no involuntary micturation or defecation,after that patient is altered,irritable,not obeying commands

Patient did not take insulin for 3days due to non availability of drug

When he presented his bp was 180/100 and he is not a k/co HTN,rbs was 600,urine for ketones negative

Temp was 103F


Patient was on Anti tubercular therapy for 6 months,8 years back.

Patient is a known case of diabetic since 4 years ,for which he is on regular medication.


     Diet - Mixed

     Appetite - Normal

     Sleep - adequate

     Bowel and Bladder movements - Regular

     Addictions - alcoholic ( daily 90 ml)

                            Ghutkha - daily

     Allergies - None 


No significant family history 


The patient was not  conscious, not coherent .

He is not  well oriented to time, place and person.

No pallor

No icterus

No clubbing

No cyanosis

No generalized lymphadenopathy

No bilateral pedal edema


Temperature :afebrile

Pulse : 90bpm

Blood pressure : 170/100 mm hg

Respiratory rate : 20 cycles / min

Spo2 : 99%on room air


Cvs : S1 S2 heart sounds heard, No murmurs

Respiratory system : Bilateral air entry present. 

Abdomen : Soft and non - tender. Bowel sounds are heard. No organomegaly. 


     Level of consciousness - Drowsy 

    Speech - Normal 

    No signs of menigeal irritation

     Motor system - moving all limbs 

  Glassgow scale - E4V3M4






Lumbar puncture report


Patient referall to ophthalmology

Patient referall to psychiatry


*Altered sensorium secondary to

  ? Viral encephalitis
  ? typhoid fever


1)IVF -normal saline and Ringers lactate - 100 ml/ hr
2) Inj.Human actrapid insulin 6 units IV stat 
3) Inj.HAI 6ml / hr ( 1 ml NS + 29 units of HAI ) 
4) Inj . PANTOP 40 mg IV OD 
5) GRBS charting hourly
6) BP ,pulse rate monitoring
7) Inj.Zofer 4 mg IV TID
8) Inj.Thiamine 200 mg / 100 ml NS / IV /BD
9) Inj.ceftriaxone 2g /IV /BD 
10) Inj.Loraz 2 cc / IV / 80 g 

Day 1 

*Inj.ceftriaxone 2g / IV / OD 

* Inj. PAN 40 mg / IV / TID 

* Inj.zofer 4 mg / IV / TID

*Inj.HAI infusion 4 ml / hr 

* Inj.Neomal 1 g / IV / SOS 

* Tepid sponging

* Tab.PCM 650 mg /RT / TID 

* Nebulization with Dudin 12 th hourly

* Temperature charting 4 th hourly

* Strict I/ O charting 

* GRBS charting 6 th hourly

* Inj.Dexa 8 mg /IV / BD 
* Inj.Mannitol  100 ml /IV /BD 

*Inj.ceftraixone 2g /IV / BD 

DAY 2  

* Inj.ceftraixone 2 g /IV / BD

* Inj.PAN 40 mg IV OD

* Inj.HAI s/c

* Inj.Neomol 1 gm IV sus 

* Tepid sponging

* Tab.PCM 650 mg RT / TID 

* NEB with Duolin 12 th hourly

* GRBS charting 6 th hourly

* Strict I/O charting

* T.telma 40 mg /PO/OD 


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